MLM Made Easy

What are You Struggling With in Your Network Marketing Career? You will find answers to your MLM questions. People who Experienced Failure Are Having Success, and Fun with this....

Friday, November 16, 2007

How To Burn Off Body Fat, Hour-by-Hour

"I lost my bulges - and save money too!"

New thermogenic fat burner, the strongest fat burner with Approved Top Rated Hoodia Green Tea. Endorsed by Athletes Against Steroids, SkinnyScience Research (TM) and Certified by the Glycemic Research Institute... low glycemic index diet.

Balance body energy, new medicine science - health intuition. Balances body energy for optimum health and nutrition. Ultimate liquid green tea fat burner to burn off that unwanted abdominal fat! Safe for Diabetics.

Revolutionary Patented Fat Burning Energy Drink Solution Crave™ - All Natural Low Glycemic New Science Cure* To Gain Energy Balance Diet and Lose Weight Wisely!

Special Offer - Free Shipping AND when you order 8 boxes I will give you 2 boxes FREE. Order Information

To Your Success Made Easy

Christie Beaud

P.S. Amazing Fat Burning energy Drink without sugar. Innovative, scientifically proven product. FREE website and complete info.
3 Patents Pending.... Prelaunching NOW

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Friday, October 26, 2007

What's Wrong With Your Network Marketing Approach?

Are you still struggling to make your business grow with mlm network marketing?

Well, it took me a long time to figure it out! I tried for a long time to figure it out on my own. I bought ebooks, listened to MP3s of some of the big names in the industry. And for some reason I couldn't get the success I wanted.

And then I started talking to a few key mentors, who taught me that I was approaching my network marketing career in the wrong way. The problem was, I was trying to make a sale, instead of making a new friend. I was told I did not have to change my personality... just learn to LISTEN to HOW and WHAT is being said.

Once I changed my approach, and put into place a few key actions, my results started to grow steadily.

Are you trying to make sales instead of showing a genuine interest in people?

When you really learn to listen with more than your ears :) they see you as a person with experience they can learn from, instead of a person trying to suck out every last penny from their wallets.

This is a huge difference... and if you're not seeing the results you want, take a hard look at how you are approaching the marketplace.

Discovering this skill and using it will require a mindset shift.

Are you willing to do that?
I'll teach you this wonderful skill.

To Your MLM Success Made Easy

Christie Beaud

P.S. Discover Crave High Energy Drink!
It's the Best Natural Energy Drink Which Works.
Get Your FREE Crave Energy Drink Sample and Check out the CONTEST to win your home business Instant Platinum income opportunity position - that's another energy jolt, so go grab your website NOW!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Best Energy Drink Which Works

Bold statement huh!
Ask me for a sample - see for yourself!
Go to my lens, contact me from there.

To Your MLM Success Made Easy

Christie Beaud

P.S. You can get your energy drinks free or you don't have to!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

New Crave Energy Drink

Monday, September 10, 2007

Do You Include the 4 L's
in your day to day life?

You'll find a huge difference in your day when you:

.... and build towards leaving a Legacy for your family or the way you want people to remember you!

To Your MLM Success Made Easy

Christie Beaud

Have you found the Opportunity that'll
take care of you and your family for
the rest of your life? How much time
are you spending each week looking for
it? When you decide to start looking
call me & let me know, and we'll show
you what to watch out for

Friday, September 07, 2007

Get Ready For Crave Energy Drink!

It's NOT about who YOU know,
It's ALL about who OTHERS Know!!
What is recurring income?
Does your job own you?

Do you keep your options open when it comes to making money?
Vitamark has done it again! Crave Energy comes in easy to carry small strip packs - just add it to your bottle of water and voila you have a delicious energy drink that will carry you through for 6 hours without the crash or headache that many of these drinks give you.

To your MLM Success Made Easy

Christie Beaud

There Are 2 Types of People In The World!
Those Who are MLM Suckers and Those Who
are Professional Networkers. Those who
are Professional Networkers Have Figured
Out A Great Way To Get Ahead of the MLM
Suckers ..... Start Here
Contact Me!

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How Do I Lead Myself?

Leadership is about attracting followers and other leaders, through the power of your own influence.

Because it's leaders that lead their followers, what must lead YOU, is not just another leader, but your own VISION.

When your vision is big enough, the facts don't matter.

When your vision of what you want is clear, absolutely crystal clear , then and only then will you invest the time, energy and passion inside of you, to devote yourself to your mission.

I mean, if you didn't know how beautiful the princess is, then why would you spend the next 3-5 years of your life trying to slay the dragon?

"Lead yourself first, then when you are truly ready, others will follow."

This means doing everything that you'd want your followers to do, when they show up.

This means leading by example.

Doing the thing.

Being the person you'd want to lead into your own organization, onto your team, into your business and your life.

Act as if you are already that person and soon enough, you will be leading him or her.

Be consistent, weather the storms that come your way, stand your ground and never give up and you will have an army follow you.

Be loyal to your team, show constant integrity, do what is best for others and yourself and you will be the leader others are looking for.

Remember the movie Braveheart?

William Wallace stood his ground and became such a great leader, that his team was willing do die for their cause. However it was William Wallace who lead himself first.

Lead YOURSELF first.

Influence your own life, through the power of YOU.

Strengthen your own beliefs in yourself, your confidence, your skillsets and your resolve.

Here's what you MUST get from your head to your heart: Your next level of success demands a new YOU!

Simple enough, right?

It IS simple.

Just tell youself it is and it will be.

You choose.

You make the choice.

Not anyone else.

Just you.

Be the leader YOU'VE been looking for.

YOU have everything you require to succeed.

Now is your time....

To your MLM Success Made Easy

Christie Beaud

P.S. Get your Blueprint for Success Right Here

Own Your Life in 2 Years, Guaranteed.
Follow and Action Our Daily Trainings
We Train Anyone In All The Skills
They Need To Create A LifeTime
Of Income From Home... And We've
Been Doing It For More Than 29 Yrs and

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What They Don't Teach in School
.... About Making Money.

"First seek to understand, then to be understood."

This is about the most important lesson in Leadership.

I break this into 3 parts to easily understand then master so that YOU can succeed:

1. Learn the System
2. Teach the System
3. Teach to Teach the System

The greatest factor here is #1... Learning the System.

Until you learn the system, you cannot teach it! And you certainly will not be able to teach how to teach it, if you haven't even learned it for yourself. So, learning the system, means not just knowing what to do, but actually doing what you know.

Making the time to build your business. Taking your leads, contacts and prospect through your information system, until you collect a decision.

Developing yourself from the inside, with good books, CDs & Training.... developing character. Character is developed when you learn to weather the storms of disappointment, discouragement, anticipation and un-met expectations. You know, when you feel let down and the only one you can truly depend on is yourself.

This is all part of learning the system.

And while you build yourself up on the inside, you must also build on the outside, with great work habits, high integrity and constant and never ending persistence.

This is step one in developing the leader within you!

You must know the system, by doing it, over and over and over again. Day in and day out. Every week, every month and every year, until you MASTER it!

In the meantime, you will be earning income and attracting others who want YOU to teach them the system.

You see, first you understand the system, the way you do business. And then, and only then, will you be understood by others. When you are understood, then and only then will others want to and be able to learn the System from you.

And then...the magic happens because once they've learned the System , they too will go out and teach it to others who also want to learn the System. This is when you have people on your 2nd level, 3rd level and 4th levels, all doing exactly what YOU are doing.

And by staying consistent, as a team, over time, you will find those on your 10th, 15th and 25th levels all doing the same things.

So, first, "seek to understand, then to be understood."

The more you understand the System, the Industry and PEOPLE, the simpler it will be for others to understand you and YOUR message.

This is one of the biggest factors in your success!

To Your MLM Success Made Easy

Christie Beaud

Some People Have Figured Out How to
Change Their Life Without Changing
Their Lifestyle.

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

MLM Tips to Help You Grow

Tip #1 is VERY critical to your success, especially if you're going to lead yourself before you can think of leading others.

It's based on what you have to give up, in order to get what you truly want.

It's called Prioritizing.

Let me illustrate it through this story:

A science teacher shows his class a glass jar and a bowl of rocks. He asks his students to fill the jar with rocks all the way to the top. When completed, he asks if anything else can fit. The students agree that no more could fit into the jar.

The science teacher then pulled out a bowl of stones, just a bit smaller than the rocks. Sure enough, the students put the stones in the jar, which fit nicely between the rocks.

When all the stones were in the jar, the teacher then pulled out a bowl of pebbles. Sure enough, the students poured the pebbles between the stones, which were between the rocks. The students agree that no more could fit into the jar.

The science teacher then pulled out a bowl of sand, each grain being smaller than the pebbles. Sure enough, the students poured the sand between the pebbles, which were between the stones, which were between the rocks.

Then, out came the silt, which fit right between the sand, which fit between the pebbles, which fit between the stones which fit between the rocks.

The students were amazed!

They never thought any more could fit into the jar, but the rocks.

What about YOUR life?

What are YOUR big rocks?

Are you fitting them in first?

This could include your health, your finances, your relationships with God, your spouse, your kids, your job.

What are YOUR most Important Priorities and what are you doing about them to make them better, improve them and take them to the next higher level?

Whatever your priorities are, be sure to put them in your jar first. Then, once all are in place, start placing the stones in. They come 2nd, after your priorities are met. Then, you can squeeze in the pebbles, sand and silt.

The KEY is to prioritize what is most important to YOU for you to feel fulfilled, content and successful. You can always fit in more, just ENSURE sure the big rocks fit in first.

This is how leaders operate.

They MAKE time for what is the most important.

Not urgent, but important for both now and in the future.

Visualize this exercise as what prospecting is to your business. It is the LIFEBLOOD of YOUR success. Learn to prospect and knock out the big rocks first. Let us help you to succeed in ALL areas of your life. Start Here.

However IF you cannot prospect, you will not succeed in MLM.

Make the time to prospect, every day.

Do it on the Internet. Do it on the phone. Do it in person. Do it everywhere you go. We'll show you step by step exactly how to.

Never leave a stone un-turned and make something happen no matter what.

Prioritize what is most important to your success.

To Your MLM Success Made Easy

Christie Beaud

Own Your Life in 2 Years, Guaranteed.
Follow and Action Our Daily Trainings
We Train Anyone In All The Skills
They Need To Create A LifeTime
Of Income From Home... And We've
Been Doing It For More Than 29 Yrs and

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Time: Separating the Important
From the Urgent

What's Bugging You?

Do you remember the last time this happened...?

You're on vacation, taking a long drive to the coast. The radio is playing your favorite song, the day is clear and sunny beyond anything you've ever seen. The view out your windshield takes your breath away! You think to yourself, "This is t-h-e PERFECT day!"


A giant, juicy bug splatters on your windshield, directly in your line of sight.

For several seconds your attention is riveted to the bug juice in front of you. Revolting as it is, you can't take your eyes off it!

Suddenly you realize you're traveling 70mph down the twisty, curvy road. You quickly return your focus to the road, barely managing to maneuver the curve you're approaching.

So how does bug juice relate to MLM?

Remember how you felt when you first learned about multi-level marketing? You saw the possibilities, you caught the vision. The scenery was breathtaking!

A big juicy bug splatters on your windshield. You've hit an obstacle you feel is insurmountable. You take your eyes off your vision and put them on the bug juice. The more you stare at the bug juice, the bigger it seems to get!

Before long, you totally lose sight of your vision. All you see is bug juice. You lose hope of ever reaching your goal. You give up. :(

My friend, take your eyes off the bug! Maybe things ARE rough right now. That's normal. Network marketing is a different industry. Refocus your eyesight on the road ahead so you can maneuver the curves in the road. The bug in your MLM vision will take care of itself in time. Start Here Let us help you free of charge.

To Your MLM Success Made Easy

Christie Beaud
Success and Life Mentor
Soaring Eagles Group

To Get What You've Never Had,
You Have To Do What You've Never Done...
~Be Disciplined~

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Are You A Product Of e-Commerce
and MLM Prostitution?

The B.E.S.T. Way To Make Money Online
By Jimmy D. Brown

If you've been around "internet marketing" as long as I have, you routinely see the same kinds of questions being asked about doing business online.

Definitely one of the "most asked" questions that I've read is:

"What's the best way to make money online?"

Let's see if we can answer that one once and for all.

I use an acronym to explain the "B.E.S.T." way to make money online that I'm going to share with you today.

Here it is:

B = Business Model
E = Education
S = Schedule
T = Tenacity

Let's take a closer look at each component of the "B.E.S.T. Way".

The B.E.S.T. Way: B = Business Model

Everything hinges upon you finding a business model to build upon. That's where most people make their big mistake from the beginning. They try TOO MANY things.

Sound familiar? Chances are you've made that very mistake yourself. I know I did early on in my online endeavors.

Listen to me carefully: your primary objective should be to determine ONE path you're wanting to take to build an online business.

To be sure, your business will ultimately consist of many parts. But just try to do affiliate marketing, online auctions, creating information products, setting up Adsense sites and buying private label products all at the same time and see what happens.

You'll be spinning your wheels and never getting anywhere.

What do you want to build your business upon FIRST?

* Do you want to create your own products?
* Do you want to promote other people's products as an affiliate?
* Do you want to sell items on internet auctions?
* Do you want to buy and sell reprint rights or private label products?
* Do you want to generate and sell leads?
* Do you want to sell advertising or generate ad revenue?

You can't do them all at the same time from the beginning or you'll end up getting nothing done at all.

Choose one overall "business model" to build upon. You can always expand, multiply and diversify your business over time after you've stabilized your business by mastering one particular area.

The B.E.S.T. Way: E = Education

When you decide what it is that you want to do, the next item to focus your attention on is learning everything you can about that business model.

No one becomes a doctor or lawyer or accountant or even a cashier at McDonald's without an education process.

The important thing is this: learn what you need to learn and absolutely nothing else.

Think about the absurdity of this scenario: a medical student devotes some of his time to learning medicine, some of his time to learning law, some of his time to learning accounting and some of his time to learning estate planning.

Is he going to become a master at medicine? At anything?

The point is this: you will derail yourself if you try to take in every new "offer of the week" that comes your way. You've gotta learn to resist the temptation to go and buy what appears to be the best new thing to come around.

Listen, marketers are smart. They know how to entice you. They know how to make their product sound like it's the perfect thing for you. They know how to make you whip out your credit card and buy. That's why they're marketers. That's what they do.

What you've got to do is stop giving in to the allurements and simply continue to educate yourself in the area you've chosen to build your business upon.

If you're learning to become a top-selling affiliate, don't waste your time and money on a product that teaches something that's unrelated - not matter how great it sounds.

Stick to what you're doing. Learn it well. And let nothing else get in your way.

The B.E.S.T. Way: S = Schedule

As you begin to educate yourself on WHAT to do, it's important that you make sure it gets done. Information without application is worthless to you. Ya gotta use what you learn.

The key is to balance your schedule with activities that allow you to build your internet business. In other words, setup a set of daily "things to do" whereby you put into practice the things you've learned.

Here's a brief example -

* MON: Write and send an ezine article
* TUE: Recruit new affiliates
* WED: Tweak your page conversion.
* THU: Conduct a list-building strategy.
* FRI: Research new ideas and plan.

That's an abbreviated schedule, I know. I'm just trying to illustrate a point: you gotta give yourself reasonable, realistic steps to complete each day of your work week in order to make progress.

Until you learn to put into practice those things you've been absorbing in your education process you'll never really see results.

So, get a weekly schedule in place of daily activities.

And then, stick to it...

The B.E.S.T. Way: T = Tenacity

There's an old saying that goes, "winners never quit and quitters never win". There's a lot of truth in that statement.

To finish off the "B.E.S.T. Way" to make money online, you've gotta have tenacity. That simply means, you've gotta be persistent. You've gotta stick to it.

If there's one reason why people don't "make it" in their internet businesses, this is it: they quit. It's usually out of frustration because of a lack of results.

Want to know where that frustration comes from?

It comes from not doing the things I've told you thus far. When you don't have a clear business model that you are learning about and putting into practice on a consistent basis, it's virtually impossible NOT to get frustrated.

Results only come when you follow this system (or some variation of it).

Stick to it. Stick to it. Stick to it.

Do you want to be successful online? C'mon, get serious with me. Do you *really* want to be successful online? Then do these four things...

2. Get an EDUCATION.
3. Get a SCHEDULE.
4. Get some TENACITY.

That's "The B.E.S.T Way To Make Money Online!"

Need Help in fathoming out the company you've picked?
Are you looking for a company that has ALL 5 pillars in place? One that will allow you to "Build it Once, Build it Big, and Build it to Pay Your Children's Children"?
We host 10 FREE training calls every week to help ANYONE in ANY industry.
Start With This - The Information WILL save you from many struggles and all that frustration and failure.

To Your MLM Made Easy

Christie Beaud

There Are 2 Types of People In The World!
Those Who are MLM Suckers and Those Who
are Professional Networkers. Those who
are Professional Networkers Have Figured
Out A Great Way To Be Mentors To the MLM
Suckers Who Have Been Scammed .....

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Stranded in the Middle of Nowhere?

MLM is a wonderful industry, but it has one ENORMOUS failing. New people do not get trained. They're like babies left in the woods. No hope of survival. If that is you, then You are at the right place. This story comes from our Mastermind Group.

Apache Seasons: Lessons On Life

Do you let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest? Do you judge life by one difficult season that you've gone through?

Here's the story....

There was an Apache Indian Chief who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away.

The first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in the fall.

When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe what they had seen.

The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted.

The second son said no it was covered with green buds and full of promise.

The third son disagreed; he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen.

The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfillment.

The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen but only one season in the tree's life.

He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are and the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up.

If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall.

Moral of this Story:

Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest.

Don't judge life by one difficult season.

Persevere through the difficult patches and better times are sure to come some time .

Live Simply.

Love Generously.

Care Deeply.

Speak Kindly.

Leave the Rest to God.

Happiness keeps You Sweet,

Trials keep You Strong,

Sorrows keep You Human,

Failures keep You Humble,

Success keeps You Glowing,

But Only God keeps You Going!

To Your MLM Success Made Easy

Christie Beaud

P.S. Be sure to check out our ebook which shows you step-by-step on how to reach your dreams. It's Your Blueprint for Success.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Quitters Never Win ...
.... And Winners Never Quit

When you think you can't do it,
Just keep on being persistent
And you WILL get through those down days.

You never know your true capabilities
Until you really give it your ALL.
No matter the obstacles don't quit or give up.
- never quit - never give up, ever!

This video will emphasize the importance
of Persistency and Giving it Your ALL when
You have a Good Leader to Encourage You!

Paul Potts had a DREAM and NEVER gave up on it.
From Car Phone Salesman to Opera Singer with a contract.

Yours to count on

Christie Beaud
Soaring Eagles Group

Struggling Networkers Find Answers....
Learn The Shocking Truth. It Starts Here

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Secret Revealed— Chapter 1

The Secret - Chapter 1 The Secret Revealed

How are you applying the Law of Attraction to Your Life?
What words are you putting out to the universe?
What do you want to do with your life?
Is your life's path exactly where it ought to be?
Are your finances where you want them to be?
What thoughts are you thinking?

EVERYONE should watch this movie!
Will they? Probably not!
...and that's part of why they're not where
they want to be in their life.

To Your MLM Made Easy

Christiane Beaud

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Startling FACTS About MONEY Revealed

Have you been "stung" by affiliate programs making you promises of "great money making without any effort? hmmmmm free money .... yeah right! It's not your fault IF you know what to look for in a company & do your due diligence. However, IF you were drawn to these scams & lies of free money by your own greed, & lost every penny, I do empathize and I'm here to help you put a stop to that & to quit blaming yourself. Sorry, but the lazy man's way to wealth is ONLY about company greed & ego! To see how many people they can draw into their spider's web & then they pull the plug & keep your money. You HAVE to do your Due Diligence.

Networking is called that for a reason! And it IS about work. Success in Network Marketing REQUIRES the criteria below for EVERYONE in the company, plus the products, to work together in order for YOU to be able to have success & leave a legacy. However, more importantly it REQUIRES YOU to be willing to change your thought process.

Always, ALWAYS, Always read the policies & procedures.... this is different to the terms & conditions, however most companies require they be read together, in conjunction with the compensation plan. The Business Model ALWAYS Drives the BEHAVIOR in the field & that is reflected in the P&P.

It's time to revisit what to look for in a company.
If the company offers no product or service.... RUN!
If the company offers money for nothing.... RUN even further!!

#1 Company Management & Leadership - Do They Have Proven MLM Experience WITH Integrity?

By reading the Policies & Procedures will tell you much about company management integrity. If the P&P is not on your company website, that's a huge red flag. What are they hiding? How Many pages is it? (Less is usually better) This is like your pre-nuptial agreement in a marriage. Would you marry someone who structures the agreement completely in their favor? Even worse hides it from you? No! it should be a fair contract, right? Fair to both parties or the marriage won't take place!

Read your P&P to see whom does it protect? Do a google/yahoo search: type in your company name, WITH [scam] after it & see what shows up! Is the Comp plan set up to favor or protect the distributors or the company? Does it allow for "walkaway" recurring income? .... or are there loopholes to steal your commissions someday? Have a look for terms like "ongoing sales", "ongoing training", "ongoing sponsoring", ongoing anything for that matter! That tells you that you will never ever be able to retire from that company. Read the termination clauses. How can the company terminate you & under what conditions? Does the company have a LONG TERM focus with a solid foundation, or a "get rich quick" mentality? Be very wary of companies advertising "spillover" on their websites.
TIP: If the P&P is long & drawn out, start at the back! Or better still do a "ctrl F" for some of the keywords I've given you.

#2 Timing of the INDUSTRY and the COMPANY
Who's the TARGET MARKET for your PRODUCTS? Is there a Huge demand? What are the Future trends? Do they Meet Long Term TRENDS? Run from Startups!! Most companies fold in the 1st 2 years. The more name recognition, the less of an opportunity. Find a BALANCE between the two. What Phase is the Company in? Formulation - Momentum - Plateau?

#3 Flagship PRODUCT Has to be REMARKABLE If it's not you're INVISIBLE - Not an over-priced CONSUMABLE! Not a "me-too" product. And NOT a product you'll find in your local supermarket or store either. It's got to be good enough that NON networkers will "take it to the market" and keep re-ordering. It's got to be that "Purple Cow" or "Attention Getter", in other words it must Stand out. And You Must also have OTHER GOOD products, from the same company to offer your customers. Stay away from single product focus companies - customers are your most expensive acquisition - what are you going to back them into if you only have one product? There's no one magic bullet solution for everyone. Study carefully the Companies retention rate.

#4 Compensation Plan MUST Pay the part-time average person a fair percentage. It rewards more for promoting products NOT for recruiting reps. Pays on VOLUME for your entire group - not levels - remember it Drives the BEHAVIOR in the field. Has the company changed their marketing plan several times? Where's the BREAKAGE? What are the REAL/ACTUAL commissions currently being paid? If you stopped recruiting today would your check continue to grow?

VERY IMPORTANT: Do a calculation of how many people or product sales you require in order to generate $10k per month. Based on the model, be it a matrix, stair-step, binary and bv/cv/bp requirement - no fast starts or bonuses etc. I haven't come across one of those plans yet that requires fewer than 2'800 people or product sales that generates $10k a month. How feasible is that for the average part-time rep who sponsors around 2.7 people in their MLM company?

How STREAMLINED IS the company?
Important Clues In These Facts:
Is it a Private Company....or a publicly held company?
How are most orders taken?
Does the company have any big buildings?
Is the company's warehouse in the warehouse district?
Does the company have huge, fat, inflated salaries for the corporate officers?
Does the company have a true vertical integration relationship with its manufacturer
& production Laboratory?
Does the company have an outside funding source?
Is the company truly a 5 Pillars, forward thinking Visionary Company?

#5 Is there a Duplicatable Proven SYSTEM with UPLINE SUPPORT, TRAINING, MENTORING in place? What is the best way for YOU to do your business ? Is there an Action or Game Plan in place that's Duplicatable? Can EVERYBODY do it? Times have changed. Some things that worked just a few years ago, do not today. Many companies & TEAMS are using outdated systems & methods. Most people (92+% of population) do not like to sell or be sold.

After doing your thorough due diligence on the company, it's your decision to either choose to work with the rules/flaws as set out, asking the company management if they'd review any clauses you're unhappy with, simply not join or lastly resign. You should be able to feel free to call the corporate office for clarification on any unclear points.

This is not about getting you into my or another deal. This is about giving YOU the information you need to make the right choice & know that your company will be around to pay your children's children. I'd sooner help you work out how to resolve your current business.

We have 11 free training calls a week to teach you the various ESSENTIAL SKILLS for YOUR success in Network Marketing & MLM. On all our calls we do not mention company names or products... AND there's nothing, nada, zilch, zero to purchase. You'll be learning from people who are currently building their own home business, not "has-beens" :) Why not just listen in & see if it's something that can help you? We help anyone in ANY company & currently work with distributor's from about 40 different companies. Contact Me through this blog should you want the call-in number.

To Your MLM Made Easy

Christiane Beaud

P.S. Tonight at 9pm EST we're hosting a teleseminar.... On the Colors to Success. Would it be of interest to you to know why your "green" dad never told you that he loved you? OR your "red" boss found it so easy to fire you? OR your "blue" friend has fun at every opportunity? OR your "yellow" daughter hates conflict & wants to save the forest? Contact Me through this blog should you want the call-in number.

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Do you even know how many people it takes for you to make $500 each month? If you don't, email me after you read this E-Book. This eBook WILL save You years of failure & frustration - no network marketer should be without it.
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